As a blogger, social media is not one, but the BIGGEST part of blogging. From getting that perfect caption to coming up with content ideas to creating graphics, you’re a one woman show taking on the tasks a full team normally would..think glam squad for words.
But it wasn’t until the last week of February 2021, that I realized I needed a serious break from it all. Major stressors started going off as I tried balancing the pressures of running a web + brand design business, running a blog, running social media for both endeavors, plus dealing with the stressors of the pandemic and regular life responsibilities.
I was constantly worried about scheduling my next post (timing is everything), using the perfect hashtag strategies (hello Instagram algorithm) plus sticking to a rigid posting schedule (missing out on personal moments), that I wasn’t being as healthy to my mind and body as I could.
It actually got to the point that my sleep was disturbed as I found myself locked into a routine that was one of constant rush while feeling like slowing down wasn’t an option. So, going into March, I made up my mind to take a step back.
That decision was later confirmed when I re-visited wellness blogger Lori Geurin’s “How To Do A Social Media Detox Challenge To Feel Better”. I had bookmarked that post about 5 months ago, but all of her tips (like a good read should) stayed with me.
Each week I completed some of her suggested tasks, and as I did, it became ingrained in me to not even feel the need to post (on the blog or social media) or check my feed.
Social media plays such a large role in our everyday lives that sometimes with that much influence, it’s important to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Can you go a few minutes, a few hours even without feeling the pressure to stay completely digitally connected? Is there something you’ve been dying to do, but keep saying you don’t have time? Well, the time is now.
I encourage you to try and challenge yourself to go social media-free, or at least put it on the back burner, for 24 hours. And if you’re feeling up to the challenge, continue up the ante until you hit 1 month!
What would you be doing right now if there were no social media?

Hello Maurianna! Love this! Thanks so much for sharing my post and I’m happy you found it useful. XX, Lori
Of course! It was so helpful when I first read it and again when I was deciding to hit that pause on social media!
Sometimes a break is exactly what you need!
Exactly! It’s like hitting the reset button for self-care!
Sometimes you just need to take a break from it all! I stop posting sometimes on my blog when things get too crazy.
Truth! Took me a long time to realize I could too!
I sometimes feel really lost in all these and want to give up all. Instead of giving up, taking a break before I break myself looks like a much better option 🙂
I was right there with you! Sometimes a break turns into the refresh you need, but I’ll admit it is really hard to shake off those feelings of ‘what if’ when you first start. Rooting for ya!
So true! Blogging is def a monster in itself! I try to take breaks where I schedule ahead but have never tried walking away for that long. It is my job though!
Scheduling ahead has been a game changer for me! I used to do it, well kinda, but not as diligently to take some of that pressure off.
So true. Social media can be so draining! Especially when you’re just getting started as a blogger, the pressure to “get out there” is real. I’ll be keeping this in mind.
You’re telling me. It really does suck that you have to feel that pressure and have that balance of wanting to get your blog noticed but also nedding to keep your sanity, lol!
I’m so overwhelmed with social media. I can’t believe you did it for a month, but I do think it was most likely awesome. I plan to read the post you mentioned. And hopefully I will give it a try.
Let me know how it goes! I was definitely not planning a month long break at first, maybe a week at most. But after the first week went by I felt way lighter and just kept going.