I usually try to stay away from hot button topics like religion, politics, or even social justice issues but the culmination of recent events, however, makes it nearly impossible to hold that line.
We keep hearing the same stories with pretty much the same outcomes.
Sometimes that makes it hard to not lose hope especially when one is surrounded by the unrelenting chaos and darkness oppression can bring. It can truly seem like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.
George Floyd. Heather May. Breonna Taylor. Ahmaud Arbery. Sean Reed. Tony McDade. Tamir Rice. Sandra Bland. Walter Scott. Terrence Crutcher. Trayvon Martin. Oscar Grant. Philando Castile. Eric Garner. Samuel Dubose. And so many many more whose names need to be heard. Exactly how many more can we be touched by, grieve for, and yet see no paradigm shift for national change?
Those questions and more can feel beyond overwhelming leaving you wondering what YOU can do?
In the words of Desmod Tutu, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”
Now’s not a time to remain silent or “neutral” or be overly concerned with making someone uncomfortable. Without having a dialogue, big or small, whether that be on a blog or on a national stage, conversations need to be had. Some will be easy, some won’t, but if we as citizens in a democratic society—regardless of political identities—don’t deal with the flaws of our union, police brutality, discrimination, inequality, injustices, etc., we’ll never be the more perfect union our founding fathers’ envisioned.
Please don’t only be an ally when someone is watching.
Share relevant resources and information online. Confront your racist/bigoted friends and relatives. Donate to protestor bail funds or grassroots organizations. Attend protests and other demonstrations (where safe). Speak up when you see someone saying or doing something racist/bigoted. Actively educate yourself on current issues and how systemic racism functions and spreads in society. Actively unlearn conscious or unconscious racist beliefs programmed by society. Be introspective. Exercise compassion and empathy.
Action comes from all of us working together to create a long-overdue change. ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
- Check out this Black Lives Matter link with a plethora of ways to help
- Educate yourself by watching some poignant movies about the African American experience (you can check out some of my recommendations from a previous article – 7 Movies to Watch During Black History Month)
- Expand your horizon by reading some books by African American authors. Antoinette Scully from Black and Bookish has an incredibly comprehensive list.
Want some more musings? Check out some of my other posts:
How are you feeling about all that’s going on?

It is emotionally exhausting trying to have conversations of issues going on in the world.
I know! I’m feeling the drain of it all right now! It’s just mind-boggling how other people can’t empathize with other people’s feelings.
It’s so important for us to listen in these days. Listen to those who have felt silenced for so long.
Yes! Listening, understanding, and educating are just the start of what’s going to move us forward.
I am certainly feeling overwhelmed with everything that is going on right now. It is hard to know how to be supportive of change while also not putting your family in jeopardy.
I can totally understand that! I think at times people are focusing on protesting or donating, but if you can’t do either they are plenty of other ways to “speak up”. Educating yourself and others, having race conversations, signing petitions, being self-reflective, heck even praying! In my book, those are just as helpful and important steps towards changing a mindset that’s been ingrained in our history.
Thank you for your support. I really hope this time will be different, but honestly I am not optimistic. Eventually this will die down and people will go back to their busy lives. Until the next victim. But I do appreciate you speaking out. We are only as strong as our most vulnerable.
Me too! This time does feel different and I’m holding on to the hope that at the least people are taking the time to educate and have the race conversation which in the long run could have some positive impact. Together we stand!
thank you for sharing this. I just wrote my thougths in my blog too! its important to educate others
Yes! Having these conversations can be difficult and at times uncomfortable but brushing it under the rug and acting like “I don’t see color” just adds to the problem! I’m so hopeful that we’re starting to see people want to educate themselves and take action where they can.