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All Things Beauty

August 4, 2021 2 min read 11 Comments

Welcome to this month’s All Things where I share a collection of finds, whether it be from the web, interactions, or just day-to-day living, that belong to one singular category. 

We’re loading up All Things Beauty! From zoom-worthy hairstyles to clean beauty to summer nail designs to watching MUA YouTubers without further ado, let’s dive into all things beauty!

  1. I’ve been on a mission to learn more about clean beauty, but what really makes a product actually clean, or all-natural, even organic? It can all get a tad confusing, so here’s a good read that breaks everything down with some helpful expert tips!
  1. To ombre, or not to ombre, that is the question? Check out the best haircuts of the year and let me know which haircut you’re secretly dreaming of!!
  1.  If you’ve been scratching your head about the difference between BB cream and CC cream, this article is your new cheat sheet!
  1. Anyone else about to wear a mission accomplished tee after organizing   something around the house?? The closet, kitchen cabinet, desk drawer – it all feels AH-mazing! Here are 30+ makeup organizing hacks that’ll make you feel So. Much. Better. Too!
  1. Here’s some low-effort but still super cute hairstyles that scream perfect for your work-from-home zoom meetings » 10 Loose Hairstyles For When You Are Feeling Lazy
  1. Hello Summer! Just because fall is right around the corner doesn’t mean we still can’t rock our summer nails. Take a look at  32 summer nail designs to brighten up your day.
  1. Who wants a spa day? You do! When do you want it? Now!  Well, grab all your essentials and recreate an amazing spa experience without booking an appointment with these 8 DIY tips for a relaxing evening at home.

Want to read more of the All Things series? Check out some of the past installments:

What are some of your beauty must-haves?


  • 7 Best Fall Makeup Looks | Anna Elle Liz October 27, 2021 at 9:30 am

    […] All Things Beauty […]

  • nadaliebardo August 6, 2021 at 2:24 pm

    This is such a fun series! Very inspirational and really has me wanting to organize my beauty products properly.

    • annaelleliz August 7, 2021 at 5:39 pm

      So glad you like it! Me too girl, I’m for sure buying some new makeup holders now!

  • Heather Tomoyasu (@USJapanFam) August 5, 2021 at 10:24 am

    What a fun assortment of inspiration!! love those nails, and that vanity OMFG it’s a dream!!! About the ombre, sure, go for it!! My currently beauty dilemma is to shave my head or not. I know. CRAZY TOWN! But i’ve always wanted to try it once, so why not!??!

    • annaelleliz August 5, 2021 at 9:10 pm

      AHHH those nails were my FAVORITE! It’s fun to switch it up sometimes. Million times yes to that vanity, just will have to buy more makeup to fill one up, haha. Oooh, if it’s on your list to try I’d give it a go. Might as well try it in the winter so you can wear a hat if you aren’t feeling it ?

  • Mimi August 4, 2021 at 5:55 pm

    The ombre part is interesting, I actually want to go blond in the fall

    • annaelleliz August 5, 2021 at 9:06 pm

      I actually just dyed my hair black from brown so maybe I’ll do some ombre for the fall!

  • The Super Mom Life August 4, 2021 at 4:50 pm

    That organization is everything! I can’t wait to do that in our home.

    • Rose Ann Sales August 5, 2021 at 1:26 am

      Great post! I enjoyed reading all of it. I love the haircut tips.

      • annaelleliz August 5, 2021 at 9:07 pm

        Awww, thank you! All those haircuts are inspiring me to switch it up!

    • annaelleliz August 5, 2021 at 9:03 pm

      It’s makeup organization goals! I feel like I need to buy more makeup just so I can organize it!

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