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5 Ways to Get Involved on International Day of Charity

September 2, 2020 4 min read 10 Comments

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier 

Mother Teresa

No better way to honor the spirit of that quote than by raising awareness that September 5th is International Day of Charity.  Every year, citizens from all around the world observe and provide a platform for charity-related events to honor the spirit of giving that was declared by the UN General Assembly in 2012.


The day was meant to honor and commemorate the passing of Mother Teresa, an internationally recognized symbol of selflessness and charitable work.  So much so that in 1979, she received a Nobel Peace Prize for her relentless works.  Pretty impressive for a quiet unassuming nun who devoted her life to serving the needs of the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying for more than 45 years! 


So much of what we see is centered around material things or as millennials call it, first-world problems, that sometimes we can lose sight of those in need.

Being able to give of yourself, especially now when moments can seem bleak during the pandemic with all its social and economic upheaval, can be an amazing way to uplift those less fortunate. Not to mention, you can also expand your personal development and sense of gratitude plus accomplishments that help us grow as citizens in this journey of humanity.


If you’re feeling inspired by the International Day of Charity and you’d like to give back to your community or the greater world at large, here’s are 5 ways that you can contribute:

1. Donate to a charity

What social issues do you feel most passionate about? Climate change,  animal rights, education, elderly, youth support, inequality? Think about what issues you’d like to throw your weight behind and then make a donation (even small ones count) to a charity or organization that (you’ve researched) and is aligned with your beliefs and goals.

2. Shop smart

There are many organizations that donate a percentage of their profits to charity organizations with some even having matching programs – like buy a pair give a pair. So next time you’re doing some shopping, consider your hard-earned purchasing power and purchase from companies that support charitable organizations and match your purchases.

3. Think local

There are so many big issues around the world that need our attention that sometimes we can forget to look in our own backyard. Are there people in your local neighborhood or area that can use a hand? Even something as simple as bringing a meal to a homeless person can make someone’s day.

4. Engage in Random Acts of Kindness

One of my personal favorites, consider being generous in small—or big—ways throughout the day. You don’t need to volunteer formally to do good in the world on September 5.

You could refill a stranger’s parking meter, buy coffee for the person behind you in line, bake cookies for stressed family members, let an expecting mom or the elderly go in front of you in line, give your delivery driver or barista a nice tip,  safely give extra coins to panhandlers, commit to writing brief notes or mailing cards to family members who live alone or are struggling with health issues…I could go on and on but I think you get the picture!

5. Spread the Word about Causes That Matter

If you don’t have time to volunteer or money to give away, you can still help an important cause by educating others about it. Perhaps there’s a community center or local church that has services available that people may be unaware of and you could offer to put up flyers or alert local businesses that they can help by spreading the word too; after all, every bit we can do supports the overall community.

Another awesome thing you can try is to let your friends, family, or any association or group you’re involved with know what you’re up to and why it would be so wonderful if they’d consider doing the same; better yet, y’all can all post on various social media and encourage others to do the same.

And if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by all of the issues that need tackling, one site that lists important worldwide causes and how you can help is ISSUES GOING ON IN THE WORLD.

As you can see, the possibilities are endless and so is the need.  So please join the world in honoring International Day of Charity.

How do you like to give back?


  • Tisha September 3, 2020 at 1:45 pm

    These are great tips, I love they did it in memory of Mother Theresa. I’m going to get my kids out and do something!

    • annaelleliz September 4, 2020 at 10:20 pm

      I’m about to Oprah cry! That’s so cool and so so inspiring! It really does help to get kiddos involved in giving back and learning about peace + charity.

  • Bre Paulson September 3, 2020 at 12:26 pm

    I love the random acts of kindness idea! I had no idea this holiday existed.

    • annaelleliz September 4, 2020 at 10:19 pm

      Haha me too! It’s the little acts of kindness that make the world go round!

  • Mimi September 3, 2020 at 8:44 am

    Thank you so much for these tips, I always want to help but never know where to start

    • annaelleliz September 4, 2020 at 10:18 pm

      I totally feel you there! Sometimes it’s a bit overwhelming to choose when there are SO many causes that need attention. So glad this could help a little bit!

  • Jordan September 3, 2020 at 8:41 am

    I can’t believe this is the first time I’ve ever heard of this day! Thank you for posting about it.

    • annaelleliz September 4, 2020 at 10:14 pm

      OMG you’re so welcome! Tbh, I only just recently found out about it too, and had a major facepalm moment!

  • Amber Myers September 2, 2020 at 8:00 pm

    Thank you for talking about this! I will keep this day in mind for sure and look at the different charities. I do love random acts of kindness.

    • annaelleliz September 4, 2020 at 10:13 pm

      Don’t they just make you feel like doing a happy dance? Random acts of kindness are just so heartwarming, especially when people can pass it forward too!

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